Pre-event webinars
From October 2020 – May 2021 | 3 Webinars on main topics
On the road to the Global Feed Safety Summit
The summit will be held in April 2022, it seems far ahead but in the meantime there is still a lot happening around our summit. We organise several webinars on a few of the main topics of the summit to get you inspired. Some speakers who will also take part in our summit will share a few of their insights during one of our webinars. It is possible to directly ask any questions to our speakers. Our host will do that for you. If not all the questions can be answered during the webinar, you will receive your answer afterwards.
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The main topics of our webinars
Feed Safety and Security in uncertain times
Since several virusses are disrupting the supply chain and create possible trade disputes between major suppliers, origin and quality of feed ingredients can be at stake. Subsequently, this asks for greater vigilance in sourcing raw materials as well as trusting the accompanying certification schemes. Learn more about biosecurity in the feed supply chain, the mitigation of risks and ensuring business continuity.
From feed to food: one goal, different challenges
Traditionally the industries understanding of making feed into food boiled down to one issue; how to improve feed & food safety and sustainability. That said, the conscious consumers of today, demand more. They want sourceability, traceability and transparency. For some in the industry, this needs a novel way of thinking, but on the other hand it offers a great showcase to present how good the feed industry is actually organised when it comes to sustainable and sound production.
Benefits of Global Supply Chain vs. Regional Sourcing
While large trade streams will continue to flourish, more local feed ingredients are attractive for many reasons. They reconnect consumers to the produce, can have environmental benefits and offer less exposure to trade disruptions. However, availability and quality can be an issue that needs to be tackled. Sound certification is necessary to guarantee trust, quality control is imperative as are intervention strategies when risks increase, for instance in unfavourable weather during harvest.